Does Your Camera Roll Need A Cleanout?

Does Your Camera Roll Need A Cleanout?

If you love to take photos, you could find that your photo library starts to grow quite large over time. All of these photos can start to take up a lot of storage on your device. It’s likely that you don’t need many of these photos. By taking time to clean out your camera roll, you could free up space. But just where do you start when you have literally thousands of photos to sort through? This post explains.

Scrap those random screenshots

There could be many screenshots (including accidental ones) in your phone’s camera roll that you do not need. Consider deleting these to free up some room. You can find all of these simply by searching ‘screenshots’. 

This could also be a good time for clearing out unwanted photos downloaded from WhatsApp chats (you can find these by searching ‘WhatsApp’) and other non-photo-related media like memes that you may have downloaded onto your device.

Delete duplicate photos

Do you have lots of duplicates and near-duplicates of the same photo? Getting rid of some of these could be a great way to trim down your photo library.

But just how do you get rid of these duplicates? There are a few different ways to remove duplicate files including using third party apps that help easily identify duplicates and near-duplicates. Make sure that you keep the best copy.

Cull the photos that make you cringe

Stop clinging onto those photos that make you cringe. This includes embarrassing selfies or family photos where no-one is looking their best. Unless it’s a special moment in your life, there’s no reason to keep it.

Use the Marie Kondo approach – ask yourself ‘does this photo bring me joy?’. If not, delete it. 

Dedicate time to tackle the rest

There could be a load of other photos that you don’t need. The only way to purge these is unfortunately to go through each one manually. But just how do you do this if you’ve accumulated thousands of photos over time? 

It could be worth using apps like Slide Box to speed up the process. This app collects all your photos and allows you to easily keep or delete each one simply by swiping (a bit like tinder). This will save you a lot of time compared to pressing delete on each one.

To stop your library building up again to an unmanageable level, try to get into a habit of deleting photos periodically. If you’ve taken lots of photos in a single day, it could even be worth spending the evening going through them and eliminating the ones you don’t need. 

Know when to increase your storage

If it’s a case of freeing up storage on your phone, consider the fact that you can upgrade your storage. Most modern phones allow you to connect with the cloud, giving you so much more storage for your photos. You can also use cloud programs like DropBox for storing more photos. Alternatively, you could simply try deleting unused apps on your phone to free up more space for photos. 


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