Finding Time For Exercise As A Parent
Even if you don’t have children, staying in shape is difficult. When you add kids and work to the mix, maintaining your fitness becomes nearly impossible. Or so it appears. As a parent, fitness is all about keeping your body running smoothly, ensuring you attain your full health potential, and being fit and strong for the sake of your family’s health. A full-time work and children to look after means that exercising, even at home, is viewed as a duty — just another thing to add to the never-ending list of unfinished responsibilities.
But what if it wasn’t the case? This blog will provide you with advice on how to stay fit as a working parent and move beyond thinking of exercise as a chore.
Workouts At Your Desk
There are ways to integrate strength and fitness into your working day if you don’t have time during the day to conduct a full-body workout. Sitting at a desk all day is terrible for your back and promotes sedentary behavior. Here are a few pointers on how to stay active while working at your desk!
Lifting free weights is a great way to get in shape. This necessitates sitting straight in a stable chair (not a swivel chair) and lifting free weights during any free moments. Free weights help you tone your abs and arms while also strengthening your core.
The buttocks tighten! Regular butt clenches in your chair have a lot of power.
The Rule Of Ten Minutes
As a parent, the most common excuse for skipping exercises is that you don’t have time. This is entirely true on certain days; time has eluded you, and you find yourself sitting among the wreckage of the day at 9 p.m., unsure of what just transpired.
On most days, however, you can find ten minutes to spare. It may be ten minutes before you normally get out of bed; 10 minutes before you go to bed; ten minutes during your lunch break; or ten minutes before dinner. Use these minutes to complete a fast workout whenever you have them. It is a fallacy that your workouts must be long to be worthwhile; 10 minutes of vigorous activity every day will keep you fit and healthy.
Of course, if you can plan a few sessions at Fitness 19, it would be good for you to take some time for yourself too. Perhaps take it in turns with a partner.
Identifying The Cause
Finally, one of the most important aspects of working as a parent is that you must desire it. We don’t have time to make exercise a chore; fitness must originate from inside to be sustained as a regular regimen. You must determine the cause. Perhaps you exercise for weight loss, overall organ health, stress relief, setting an example for your children, or simply for enjoyment – whatever the reason, find it and keep it close to your heart when your desire wanes.
Finally, even if life feels too hectic to care for, exercise is a crucial component of life that should be appreciated.