How To Get Your Car Road Trip Ready

Taking a road trip can be fun and spontaneous, but there are always a few things that should be done before embarking on any extra-long journeys. Here are some of my tips on how to get your car or truck road trip ready.

Check Your Vehicle for any Problems

There are several problems that can happen when you are out on the road, but if you take some of these steps, hopefully, you won’t run into any!

Before we leave on any trip, my husband checks all of the fluids in the car. He checks the Oil, Transmission Fluid, Power steering Fluid, Brake Fluid, and of course the Windshield Solvent.

Other things you can do are:
– Fill the Gas Tank
– Air up your Spare Tire
– Check to see if your lights are all working correctly
– Look at your wiper blades, and make sure they are in good shape. The last thing you want is to get stuck in a rainstorm with bad wiper blades. Continue reading “How To Get Your Car Road Trip Ready”